CSE Report: Smog has spread to the Gangetic plains, not just in Delhi-NCR; Bad condition due to vehicular-industrial pollution and stubble burning in 56 cities

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  • CSE Report Smog Has Spread To The Gangetic Plains, Not Only In Delhi NCR; Bad Condition Due To Vehicular industrial Pollution And Stubble Burning In 56 Cities

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Shadow smog in Delhi on Sunday.

Smog is becoming a problem not only in Delhi-NCR, but in entire North India. With the onset of winter, pollution levels in many cities of North India become equal to or more than Delhi. From November, haze starts covering Delhi-NCR, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, which gets dispersed in the coming months in other areas but remains till February in the cities of Delhi-NCR and Uttar Pradesh.

In these areas, the situation is worsening due to the burning of crops in the fields, pollution of vehicles, increase in construction and industrial activities. The latest analysis by the Center for Science and Environment (CSE) covers 137 air quality monitoring stations in 56 cities. CSE’s executive director Anumita Raychaudhuri says that the situation in North India is different from the rest of the country.

It is a land-locked area, where on one side is the Himalaya Mountains, and on the other side there are plains for thousands of kilometers. In winter the mixing height of the air comes down considerably and the wind speed becomes very slow. Because of this, the pollution generated in the area remains stable for a long time instead of being dissipated. Delhi, NCR and Uttar Pradesh have more pollution sources as compared to other states.

Avikal Somvanshi, Program Manager, CSE says, “Calm weather, change in wind direction and the entire surroundings create adverse atmospheric conditions when the temperature is low in winter, pollution spreads and remains stable, causing dense haze in North India. Lives. During November, the air reaches the severe category due to farm stubble fires and the smoke from Diwali crackers.

With the gradual improvement in the air quality in Punjab, Haryana, it comes from severe to poor and moderate category, but in Delhi-NCR and UP, the air remains in the very poor category till February. There is some effect in the beginning of winter in Rajasthan but there is less pollution later.

After the winter months, the level of air pollution decreases.

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