Covid Update: India’s Daily Surge In Cases Dips Below 1000-Mark. Check Active Cases

New Delhi: After registering over 1000 cases in the past few days, India’s daily surge in Covid infections has declined today. The country has logged 861 fresh Covid cases in the last 24 hours taking the active cases tally to 11,058 which is 0.03 per cent of the total cases.

India also reported 929 recoveries and 6 deaths on Sunday.  The death toll climbed to 5,21,691 with six fresh fatalities, according to the data shared by the Health Ministry.

The national COVID-19 recovery rate remained at 98.76 per cent, the ministry said.

A reduction of 74 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours.

The daily positivity rate was recorded as 0.32 per cent and the weekly positivity rate was 0.23 per cent, according to the ministry.

The number of people who have recuperated from the disease surged to 4,25,03,383, while the case fatality rate was recorded as 1.21 per cent.


After reporting a case of XE variant 2 days, ago Maharashtra on Sunday reported 90 new coronavirus positive cases, taking the tally to 78,75,170. The death toll in the state remained unchanged at 1,47,816 as nobody succumbed to the infection in the last 24 hours, the state health department said.

There are 778 active cases in the state.

A total of 115 patients were discharged during the day, taking the overall recovery count to 77,26,576, according to a PTI report.

The COVID-19 recovery rate is 98.11 per cent, while the fatality rate is 1.87 per cent.

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