Countrywide – Delhi: Why is the central government stopping you from going to Singapore? CM Kejriwal said – only political reason behind this – #INA – INA News Agancy

Delhi (Delhi) Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal (CM Arvind Kejriwal) On Monday, once again attacked the central government regarding his Singapore tour. He said that it appears that he is not being allowed to attend the Singapore summit due to political reasons. Expressing displeasure, he said that I am not a criminal. Kejriwal said that Singapore (Singapore) He has been invited by the government of that country to participate in the World City Summit in 2015, where he will present the Delhi model in front of world leaders and bring glory to India.

In fact, Aam Aadmi Party convener and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, while writing a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, said that he has been waiting for permission for the last one month. Angered by the Centre’s delay in granting permission for his visit, Kejriwal said that I am not a criminal, I am a Chief Minister and a free citizen of the country. There is no legal basis to stop me from going to Singapore, so there seems to be some political reason behind it.

Singapore High Commissioner Simon Wong sent an invitation

Let us inform that the High Commissioner of Singapore Simon Wong had invited Kejriwal for this summit in June. The conference is scheduled to be held in the first week of August. The Chief Minister of Delhi has been called to participate in a program to be held on the first day. CM Kejriwal said that he usually does not go on foreign trips, but wants to participate in the Singapore conference as it is related to the development of the country.

Why am I not being allowed to go to Singapore?

Arvind Kejriwal said that the wife of former US President Donald Trump, former Prime Minister of Norway, Van Ki-moon came to see Delhi’s school and Mohalla Clinic. He said that the Center should not stop such things. Everyone should be united in such matters. Expressing apprehension, he said that there seems to be politics in this, legally there is no reason to be seen. Why am I not being allowed to go to Singapore?

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