Corona scares again: Union Health Minister will hold a meeting today; Instructions to states – Get genome sequencing of all positive samples done

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  • Union Health Minister To Hold Meeting Today; Instructions To States – Get Genome Sequencing Of All Positive Samples Done

20 minutes ago

The increasing cases of corona in the world have started to scare again. In view of this, the central government is on alert mode. Union Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya will hold a meeting with senior officials and experts on Wednesday on the COVID-19 situation in the country. On the other hand, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan has written a letter to all the states and union territories on Tuesday. It has been said in the letter that samples of all positive cases of corona should be sent for genome sequencing, so that the variant of corona can be detected.

The Union Health Secretary has written a letter to all the states and union territories regarding the new variant of Corona.

It is known that these days the cases of corona are increasing rapidly in China, Japan, America, Korea and Brazil.

More than 19 thousand cases in America
There has been a sudden increase in corona patients in more than 10 countries including America. Not only this, the death toll is also increasing rapidly here. 19 thousand 893 new cases have been reported in America on Monday. At the same time 117 people have died. Maximum 55 thousand cases have been found in Germany. 161 people have lost their lives here.

Most deaths in Japan

Japan has recorded 72,297 cases and 180 maximum deaths. 29,579 cases and 140 deaths in Brazil. 26,622 cases and 39 deaths in South Korea. France includes 8,213 cases and 178 deaths.

Cases decreasing in India

Where corona cases have increased worldwide, the number of active cases in India is decreasing rapidly. According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, as of 8 am on December 20, there were a total of 3 thousand 490 active cases in the country, which is the lowest since March 2020.

The Health Minister had told in Parliament on December 19 that the number of vaccinations in India has crossed 220 crores. This number is including the first, second and precaution dose of all available corona vaccines. The world’s largest vaccination campaign was started on 18 January 2021 in the country.

Outcry from Corona in China… no place to keep the dead body

In China, there is less space in hospitals to keep the bodies of the corona dead.

In China, there is less space in hospitals to keep the bodies of the corona dead.

After the relaxation of Corona restrictions in China, the pace of infection is increasing rapidly there. The situation is so serious that long queues are forming outside the hospitals, patients are not getting beds. There are no medicines, wherever they are, long queues have to be formed. There is also a line of dead bodies in the crematorium. Crematories in Beijing are being cremated 24 hours a day. The situation has become so bad that the waiting list for last rites has reached 2000.

Experts say that corona cases in China are doubling in hours, not days. At the same time, American scientist and epidemiologist Eric Feigel-Ding has shared shocking videos of China on social media. In these, the condition of hospitals, crematoriums and medical stores is worrisome. Read full news…

There is no danger in India, because 3 rounds of vaccination have been done.
According to experts, there is no danger to a country like India, because 3 rounds of vaccination have been done in our country. Immunity has been developed in people. Corona will be everywhere in India too, but that is why it is not affecting us now. Now there is no danger of Corona in India.

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