Corona in electoral states: 18 thousand active cases in Uttar Pradesh alone, 23 thousand cases including Punjab-Goa-Manipur-Uttarakhand

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  • Election 2022 Vs Coronavirus Situation; UP Punjab Punjab Goa Uttarakhand Manipur COVID Cases Latest

New Delhi9 hours ago

The Election Commission on Saturday announced the dates for the assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur amid the third wave of the corona epidemic in the country. Conducting elections in these states is a big challenge amid the increasing pace of the epidemic.

In the last 24 hours, 1 lakh 59 thousand 424 new cases of infection have been reported in the country. The positivity rate in the country has also now gone up to 10.21%. Experts say that new cases will be at the peak in February. Uttar Pradesh is at the fore in terms of active cases. Here 18,551 people are getting their treatment. Active cases are 23,831 including the rest of the four states. Let us know what is the current situation of Corona in 5 electoral states..

1. Cases doubled in three days in Uttar Pradesh

In Uttar Pradesh, the cases have more than doubled within three days. On Thursday, 3,114 cases were reported in the state, which increased to 6,401 on Saturday. On Thursday and Friday, 1 person died due to corona, while on Saturday 6 people lost their lives due to infection. At present there are 17.29 lakh total cases in the state. So far 22,924 people have lost their lives due to corona infection. At present 18,551 people are getting their treatment in the state.

2. Continuously increasing graph in Punjab too

The increase in corona cases started in Punjab after December 30. Earlier, less than 100 cases were being reported here daily. On December 30, 166 cases were registered here. Since then the graph of cases has been increasing continuously. On January 4, 1004 cases were registered here. By 7 January, it increased to 2874. At present, there are 6.17 lakh total cases in the state. So far 16,665 people have lost their lives due to corona infection. At present 12,614 people are getting their treatment in the state.

3. More than 1500 new cases were found in a single day in Uttarakhand

Corona infection has intensified in Uttarakhand as well. Here on Saturday, more than 1500 cases were found in a single day, whereas on Friday only 814 new patients were found. Till December 20, an average of 15-20 cases were being reported here daily. On December 31, 147 cases were registered here and since then the number of cases is increasing continuously. So far, a total of 3.49 lakh people have been infected here. So far 7,423 people have lost their lives due to this and 3254 people are still getting their treatment.

4. The situation is not bad in Goa, but the cases are increasing

There were 25 new cases in Goa on 26 December, which increased to 261 on 31 December. 1002 cases were registered here on Wednesday, 961 on Thursday, 1432 on Friday and 1789 on Saturday. So far, a total of 1.87 lakh cases have been received in the state. At present 7549 people are undergoing treatment and 3531 people have died due to this.

5. Increasing speed in Manipur too

Manipur had 10 cases registered on December 31. 19 cases were found on 1 January and 59 new cases were reported on 6 January. Active cases have also increased here in the last three days. Active cases were 48 on 6 January, these cases increased to 68 on 8 January. So far, a total of 1.26 lakh people have been infected with corona in the state. Total active cases are 414. So far, 2010 people have lost their lives here due to Corona.

More than 52 thousand people lost their lives due to corona in five states
A total of 17.29 lakh people have been infected in Uttar Pradesh since the beginning of the pandemic. At the same time, in Punjab this figure is 6.17 lakh. A total of 3.49 lakh people have been infected in Uttarakhand, 1.87 lakh in Goa and 1.26 lakh in Manipur. So far about 23 thousand people have died due to corona in UP. About 16 thousand people have lost their lives in Punjab, 7 thousand in Uttarakhand, 3500 in Goa and 2 thousand in Manipur. Altogether 52 thousand people have lost their lives due to corona in these states.

Corona vaccination rate in Punjab and UP is also a matter of concern
The pace of implementation of corona vaccine in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh is also a matter of concern. So far only 40% of people in Punjab and 52% in Uttar Pradesh have received both doses of the vaccine.

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