Common Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer Women Should Look Out For

Breast cancer is one of the most common and dangerous diseases affecting women worldwide. Studies have indicated that by 2030, the global burden of breast cancer is expected to cross almost 2 million. In India too, it is one of the top three common types of cancer. What is even more worrisome is that present trends highlight that a greater proportion of younger women are being affected in India as compared to the West. The disease also affects men, although in much lower numbers, as they also have breast tissue. To spread awareness about the disease, October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The following are a few signs and symptoms of the malignancy to look out for:

  1. A lump or thickening in or around the breast that feels distinct from the surrounding tissue is a common symptom. A painless, hard bulge in the breast is frequently noted to be the first sign of breast cancer. While most such lumps are non-cancerous, it is still important to get them examined.
  2. Any noted shift in the physical appearance of the breast, including size, shape, discolouration etc. could be a sign and needs to be examined by a doctor.
  3. Another symptom is changes to the skin over the breast. This could include dimpling, peeling, flaking, crusting, or scaling of the skin around the areola.
    Redness or pitting of the flesh (similar to the skin of an orange), newly inverted nipple, discharge from the areola etc.
  4. Women, who have a history of breast cancer in their family, or have had a personal history of breast conditions such as lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) or atypical hyperplasia, are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
  5. Additionally, obesity, radiation exposure to the chest, drinking alcohol, and having a late onset of menopause or early onset of periods also increases the risk of developing the disease.


Regular examinations and awareness can reduce the mortality risks associated with breast cancer.

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