College of Vocational Studies Teachers Claim Chargesheet Not Filed Against Principal Despite Corruption Charges, Demand PMO Intervention

After an enquiry committee constituted by the governing body, headed by Justice SN Dhingra was formed found Dr Inderjeet Dagar, principal of Delhi University’s College of Vocational Studies guilty on charges of corruption, he was sent on leave from January 7. The current chairman Sangit Ragi, however, did not permit a charge sheet to be filed against Dr Dagar following the findings of the Justice Dhingra committee report despite reminders from the presenting officer, claims the College of Vocational Studies teachers’ association.

The association who is upset over the decision alleged that such things happen only given after taking a great favour. They said they will approach the ministry of home to look into the blatant corruption by Prof Ragi and others, and demanded immediate intervention of prime minister’s office in this regard.

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DU in its letter had clearly stated that Dagar is sent on leave to complete a free and fair inquiry process but Prof Ragi did not serve the chargesheet against any accused and in turn tried to help them by adopting delaying tactic, claimed the teacher’s association.

Another report on financial irregularities was submitted by Justice Sunil Gaur on October 4, following which the chairman Prof Ragi called for an emergent meeting on October 8 to discuss a six months old representation of Dagar and sent his representation for legal opinion. In the meeting, the chairman discussed the representation of Dr Dagar. Justice Dhingra has already submitted his report suggesting exemplary action against the principal and others, the association stated.

The principal in his representation has questioned the procedural lapse by saying that there is no provision in CVS rule to send anyone in leave so my leave should be counted as duty leave. The CVS teachers’ association has said that a person who is caught in corruption has no right to decide his own terms.

The teachers also questioned about the reason for the principal not being charge sheeted since the last three months. They have demanded that the charge sheet be served and Dagar be placed under suspension. They have also demanded to make Justice Gaur report public without any delay.

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