Child mortality rate equalized among boys and girls in the country: In 9 years, the difference increased in Chhattisgarh, decreased in Kerala

  • Hindi News
  • Happylife
  • Child Mortality; Gender Wise Under 1 Mortality Rate In India | SRS Statistical Report 2020

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The Child Mortality Rate (IMR) of boys and girls under the age of one year has become equal in India. The number of deaths per thousand children is called IMR. Now the male and female IMR in the country is 28. For the past several years, the child mortality rate for girls was higher than for boys in 16 states, but it has decreased drastically since 2011. This has been disclosed in the SRS Statistical Report 2020.

According to the data, the male-female IMR is equal in Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand. But Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Assam, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Odisha, Punjab, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh still have lower mortality rates for boys than girls.

The situation is better in the city than in the village
The report said that there has been a decline in child mortality in all areas, whether village or city. However, the death of girl child is still happening more in the villages than in the cities. In the urban areas of the country, the difference between male and female IMR was very high in 2011, but in 2020 the child mortality rate of girls has gone below that of boys.

Highest difference in male-female IMR in Chhattisgarh
According to the report, Chhattisgarh has the highest difference between male and female IMR in 2020. While the child mortality rate for boys is 35, it is 41 in girls. Chhattisgarh’s overall IMR has come down from 48 to 38, but it is one of the few states where the gap between male-female IMR has increased in 9 years. Apart from this, this gap has increased in Bihar, Assam and Karnataka.

On the other hand, there were some states where the difference in male-female IMR in 2011 was more in urban areas. These include Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra and Haryana. In 2020, this trend has reversed in most of these states.

This fall is a big achievement for India
It is a big achievement for India to register such a huge drop in child mortality. The United Nations (UN) data for 2020 shows that out of countries that have a child mortality rate of more than 20, only India has almost the same male and female IMR. In every other country, there is a difference of at least 2 points between male and female IMR. Among them too, the child mortality rate of girls is high.

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