Central’s decree to state governments: 33% women police in the state, no funds; 3 female constables in the police station, 10 soldiers required

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  • 33% Women Police In The State, No Funds; 3 Female Constables In The Police Station, 10 Soldiers Required

new Delhi19 hours agoWriter: Mukesh Kaushik

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After issuing continuous advisories for a decade, the central government is now preparing to take strict action to increase the participation of women police in the states to 33%. Sources in the Union Home Ministry said that those states that do not increase the number of women in the police force to 33%, their modernization fund will be stopped.

The central government believes that without strictness, the state governments are not getting serious. Therefore, if there is a cut in the fund, then the recruitment of women will start happening on a large scale in the states. The Ministry of Home Affairs has set a target of setting up one women help desk in all police stations of the country. States have also been asked to convert the vacant posts of men at present and create additional posts of constables and sub-inspectors for women.

This step of the central government can prove to be very important, because a fund of Rs 26 thousand crore has been fixed for police modernization. This fund is to be spent by 2025. No state would like to be deprived of the fund.

Women helpdesk necessary in every police station of the country
The central government has decided that it will be mandatory to set up a women’s helpdesk in every police station in the country. For this, the states have been told that every police station should have at least 3 sub-inspectors and 10 constables women. For this new recruitments will start.

There is a modernization fund of 26 thousand crores for these works.

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5th letter in 10 years
The Home Ministry has written another letter to the states. In this, he is reminded that he has been given written request 5 times in 10 years to ensure 33% women in police forces. The first request letter was sent on 22 April 2013, second 21 May 2014, third 12 May 2015, fourth 21 June 2019 and fifth letter on 22 June 2021. On the other hand, the Parliamentary Committee attached to the Ministry of Home Affairs is continuously pressurizing that 33% women in the police forces should be ensured at any cost. For this, strictness like fund cut is necessary.

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