Center will give 10 lakh jobs in one and a half year: Opposition called PM’s announcement a jumla, asked – what happened to 2 crore jobs

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  • Narendra Modi Mission Mode Jumla; Opposition On 10 Lakh Jobs In 1.5 Years

New DelhiA minute ago

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The central government has announced to recruit 10 lakh posts in the next one and a half year. These recruitments will be done on vacant posts in various departments and ministries of the central government. PM Modi has given this order after reviewing the status of employees in all departments and ministries. The government says that in the next 18 months, one and a half lakh posts should be recruited on mission mode. This order of the PM has come at a time when all the opposition parties are attacking the government on the issues of unemployment in the country. After this announcement of the Center, where BJP leaders and ministers are praising this move of the government. On the other hand, the opposition is calling it another jumla of the government. Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh said that the PM has taken another big decision in the interest of the country. This will reduce the problem of unemployment in the country to a great extent. At the same time, enthusiasm and a new hope will arise in the youth.

Congress raised questions on the promise of 2 crore jobs
Targeting the central government, Congress leader Randeep Surjewala said that the PM has given another jumla. He asked how long such rhetoric would continue in the country. Before becoming the Prime Minister in 2014, Narendra Modi had promised the people of the country that he would give employment to 2 crore youth every year.

The third year of PM Modi’s second term is going on. It has been 8 years in the post of PM. Accordingly, the PM should have given jobs to 16 crore youth by now.

60 lakh posts vacant across the country
Now the central government is promising to provide only 10 lakh jobs by 2024. Around 60 lakh posts are vacant in various departments across the country. About 30 lakh posts are vacant in central departments. Why are these posts not being reinstated? After all, for how long will the central government continue to take electoral benefits by playing rhetoric? According to a report by the International Labor Organization (ILO), about 207 million youth are unemployed in the country.

The central government has announced to provide 10 lakh jobs at a time when elections are to be held in 11 states of the country in the next few days. There will be Lok Sabha elections in the year 2024. The opposition says that before the elections, the BJP is giving the lure of employment to woo the people. Political experts say that this decision of the government is very important. In fact, the opposition raises employment issues in every election. The BJP believes that in the run-up to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, there will be something concrete to counter the opposition’s criticism of its government on the issue of unemployment.

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