CBSE Board Exam 2022: Rise in COVID Cases, Students Demand Board to Hold Exams At Home Centres

Demand that this year board exams should take place in home centers.
(Representative image)

Delhi has recorded around 366 Covid cases in the last 24 hours with a positivity rate of nearly four per cent (3.95 per cent)

  • Last Updated:April 16, 2022, 5:50 PM IST

With Covid-19 cases increasing in the national capital, especially in the schools several parents and teachers have been left worried for the health safety of their wards. At the time when boards exams are on students head, the Covid-19 is became more concerning for many. Amidst this score of students, and their parents have taken to different social media platforms, including Twitter to demand that this year board exams should take place in home centers.

One of the student said,

Speaking to media, several parents from all across the country have expressed concerns about the lack of covid-19 guidelines, and sanitisation arrangements in schools centers. Parents claim that they are worried that their children will have to travel far for exams center, which will pose risk to their health. In this regard many are demanding, the board authorities to hold exams at home centres.

It can be remembered here that during the CBSE term 1 examinations, many cases of cheating had been reported. Following this, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) decided that they will have class 10 and 12 board exams in different schools. CBSE Schools Management Association (CSMA) had alleged that many schools had helped students during the exam. The association alleged that schools asked students to write the letter ‘c’ in place of the questions they did not know answers to. Teachers allegedly then converted the c into a, b, or d depending upon the correct option.

Delhi has recorded around 366 Covid cases in the last 24 hours with a positivity rate of nearly four per cent (3.95 per cent). As per the reports this is the highest since February 3. With this, while Delhi’s Covid tally has increased to 18,67,572, the death count is at 26,158 with no deaths in a day.

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