Bus driver responsible for the death of 26 pilgrims of MP!: The driver had lied to CM Shivraj too; The report revealed that the steering did not fail.

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Bhopal3 hours agoAuthor: Sandeep Rajwade

A bus carrying 28 pilgrims from Panna district to Uttarakhand’s Char Dham Yatra fell into a gorge from the mountain of Uttarkashi, in which 26 people were killed. A big disclosure has been made of who is responsible for this accident. Daily newspaper When I talked to Uttarkashi’s ARTO Mukesh Saini, a shocking case came to the fore. He told that in the technical investigation it was found that there was no problem in the steering of the bus, the RI involved in the investigation checked the steering, gear box of the bus, then no such defect was found in it. So it can be assumed that his steering may not have failed. The cause of the accident would be another. The report has been sent to the Magistrate (SDM). One thing has become clear from this that the injured driver lied to Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan that the accident happened due to steering failure. The Uttarkashi administration is yet to complete the investigation of the accident. The statement of the driver and the remaining injured has also not been taken.

Let me tell you what happened that day… the words of the injured couple

Uday Singh and his wife Hakki Raja of Chikhla village of Panna, the only couple who survived the accident, are undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Uttarkashi. His condition is out of danger. Apart from this, another injured Rajkumari Rajput of Kakarhata is also admitted there. The Uday Singh couple, who witnessed the accident, told how even after refusing the driver, he did not reduce the speed of the bus. He kept driving the car at high speed even in the hill-ditch. Hear the full story of Uday…

‘The driver was driving the bus fast, said – I have daily work’

Uday told that we had left around 10-11:30 in the morning of June 5. There were 28 people in one bus and 41 pilgrims in the other. It was just going on and on. The accident happened near Damta around 7.30 pm. Our bus was on speed. He should have stopped for a while, but he didn’t. Those who had left in the morning had to drive the bus. Stopped at a place or two just for tea. Some people sitting in front of the bus had definitely forbidden the driver of the bus to drive at speed, but he kept on driving. The driver said that nothing happens, he drives everyday. During that time the speed of the bus must have been around 70-80, while it was an inaccessible road. Some people expressed concern, then the driver said that I keep taking it, it is my daily work.

‘Bus fell into a ditch due to driver taking a nap’

Uday said that drivers do not pay attention to gold in the pursuit of earning. During the time when the accident happened, there was a sigh (sleep) due to which the bus fell into the ditch. Me and wife and some people went out. After that, the bus stopped for some time by staying in the tree. After some time the police came. Asked me how many people were on the bus. I told that there were 28 people on board. We told them that there was no extra driver in the bus, there was only one.

A bus full of pilgrims fell into a gorge in Uttarakhand on Sunday night.  26 had died in this.  (file photo)

A bus full of pilgrims fell into a gorge in Uttarakhand on Sunday night. 26 had died in this. (file photo)

‘The driver had not slept for 2-3 days’

Uday told that the driver had a discussion while the bus was running. He hasn’t slept since last 2-3 days. If he had spoken earlier, we would not have climbed. Stayed there for two days. Stayed for a day or two. Chief Minister Shivraj also came. He asked about the accident. We said that the bus overturned, it was going fast. The steering did not fail, but because of the speed, the driver could not control.

‘He got 20 stitches on his head, wife got shoulder and back injuries’

Uday Singh’s son Krishna Pratap Singh said that both the parents have suffered serious injuries. The mother has more injuries in the waist, back and shoulder than the father. He is undergoing treatment. Uday Singh told that it is not possible to walk. There is a fracture in two places. Injury to right hand and back. He had fallen into the stone on his feet. The wife has an operation on Thursday, her food and drink is going on. Shoulder and leg have to be operated. The third injured princess is also admitted here. Her condition is similar to that of my wife. He also suffered injuries in his back, shoulders and arms and legs.

CM Shivraj Singh also reached after the bus accident.  (file photo)

CM Shivraj Singh also reached after the bus accident. (file photo)

SDM said – there is no information about steering failure in the report

Barkot SDM Shalini Negi is the investigating officer in the bus accident. He said that on June 15, the ARTO has submitted a report on the cause of the bus accident. In this, the technical examination of the bus was done on their behalf. The report does not give information about the steering failure, it is written that the bus was damaged after falling into the ditch that the reason is unknown. Apart from this, the SDM said that the statement of the remaining injured and the driver has not been taken regarding the accident. So far we have not reached any conclusion as to how the accident happened. The investigation is still on.

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