Brainstorming on the defeat of Congress in five states today: CWC meeting at 4 pm, the party’s future and leadership is the biggest issue

new DelhiOne hour ago

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Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting will be held at 4 pm today at Akbar Road office in New Delhi after the crushing defeat of Congress in five states. In this, the future and leadership of the party will be the main topic of discussion. All eyes are on party chief Sonia Gandhi, Rahul and Priyanka. All those members of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) will also be present in the meeting, which played a major role in the election of five states, from election management to election management. G-23, a group of leaders dissatisfied with the Congress leadership, Ghulam Nabi Azad and Anand Sharma are also members of the CWC.

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Before the meeting, there were discussions that Sonia Gandhi and the members of the Gandhi family may resign from all responsibilities by taking their responsibility for the crushing defeat in the elections. But, the Congress has denied these discussions. AICC spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said in his tweet- ‘The news of the alleged resignation is completely unwarranted, mischievous and wrong. A TV channel is airing baseless stories from fictitious sources at the behest of BJP. It is clear from Surjewala’s tweet that the Gandhi family will not resign, but the challenges before them will not diminish.

The CWC meeting will be a large gathering, with over 60 permanent invitees and special invitees. Sources said that this is also anger within the party in the wake of the electoral defeat. Rahul Gandhi resigned from the post of Congress President after the defeat in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. After this, the disgruntled leaders of the party formed the G-23. Then Sonia Gandhi was made the interim president, but since then the party has not been able to make its president in almost three years.

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