Bomb news on Moscow to Delhi flight: Rescue team reaches Indira Gandhi Airport; Search continues for passengers’ belongings and plane

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  • Rescue Team Reaches Indira Gandhi Airport; Search Continues For Passengers’ Belongings And Plane

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There was a stir at the Delhi airport after a bomb exploded on the flight from Moscow to Delhi. Officials said that the rescue team has reached the airport. All the passengers have been safely taken off the plane. At present, their luggage and plane are being searched.

386 passengers were on the flight
According to media reports, security agencies received information late at night that there was a bomb in Flight No SU 232 coming from Moscow to Delhi at around 3:20 pm. After this the rescue team was deployed on the spot. The plane made a landing on runway 29. First all the passengers, then the crew members were brought down safely. The plane is being checked. The flight had 386 passengers and 16 crew members.

Bomb information rumor in Iranian plane passing through India
10 days ago there was news of a bomb in an Iranian passenger plane, which later turned out to be a rumour. Actually, after receiving a bomb threat in the plane, the pilot of the plane asked for permission to land in Delhi, but the ATC asked to go to Jaipur or Chandigarh instead of Delhi. After this, Sukhoi fighter jets of the Air Force were installed to monitor the aircraft.

These fighter jets took off from the Punjab and Jodhpur airbases and chased them down outside the Indian territory. The flight has landed at Guangzhou Airport in China. No bomb was found in it after a search.

The Indian Air Force's Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter jet had escorted the Iranian aircraft.

The Indian Air Force’s Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter jet had escorted the Iranian aircraft.

Bomb input was received from Pakistan
According to the news agency PTI, the Delhi Air Traffic Control (ATC) got the input of the bomb in the Mahan Air flight from Lahore ATC. After this, the Delhi ATC briefed the pilots. Simultaneously, the aircraft was given the option of landing in Jaipur and then Chandigarh, but the pilots refused the landing and sought permission to land in Delhi, which was refused. Read full news…

Bomb report on Singapore Airlines plane turns out to be false

Reports of a bomb on a Singapore Airlines plane have turned out to be false. This information was given by the Ministry of Defense of Singapore. It was told that the passenger on the flight from San Francisco claimed to have a bomb in his handbag. Nothing was found during the search after landing. At present, the accused has been arrested. Read full news…

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