Bodhdaya in the face of rain, compulsory dustbin in food shops on the sidewalk in Kolkata

If you want to shop for food on the sidewalk in Kolkata Pur area, you have to keep dust bin. Mayor Firhad Hakim said this at the monthly session of the municipality on Saturday. Recently, the municipality has taken several steps to prevent plastic pollution in Kolkata. The mayor of the city and the prime minister of the state Firhad Hakim.

The monsoon has already reached Kolkata. The rainy season has started. And with that has started the suffering of water accumulation. Every year the Calcutta Municipality has to face criticism from the citizens about this. And plastic has become the biggest obstacle in the municipality to deal with the problem of water storage. So the municipality wants to rush to use all kinds of plastics in the city. They also want to process the plastic that is being used properly. The main goal is to prevent plastic from entering the sewers. That’s why the idea of ​​making dust bins mandatory in food stores is being considered.

Firhad Hakim said that now all the garbage of the food shopkeepers on the sidewalk has been dumped in the sewers. As a result, the drainage ditch is being closed. From now on, dust bins have been made mandatory for hawkers on footpaths in Kolkata. All the garbage of the shop has to be thrown in that dustbin. The next morning, the cleaning staff of the municipality will take the garbage from the dustbin.

Besides, polythene sheets cannot be used as a pavilion for sidewalk shops in Kolkata Pur area. Use a tin canopy or large umbrella instead. Firhad said that the polythene later closed the drain. Moreover, in case of fire for any reason, there is a possibility of big damage in easily combustible polythene. The fire at Bagri Market is believed to have started from this type of polythene.