Bhaskar Updates: NITI Aayog meeting today on the situation of H3N2 virus in the country

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  • Breaking News Live Updates; Punjab Former CM Charanjit Singh Channi; Niti Aayog

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There will be a meeting of NITI Aayog on Saturday regarding H3N2 and seasonal influenza in the country. In this, the condition of the states will be reviewed. Also, it will be seen that which state needs what kind of support.

So far two patients have died due to H3N2 influenza spreading like corona in the country. In media reports quoting sources in the Health Ministry, it has been claimed that one patient each of Influenza has died in Haryana and Karnataka.

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The Vigilance Bureau on Friday issued a lookout notice against former Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi. This notice has been issued against him in the case of disproportionate assets. Now Channi will not be able to go abroad after the lookout circular is issued.

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