As fast as it saw growth, it also saw rapid devastation: the change of capital brought business to a standstill; The sales that used to happen in a day, now not even in a year

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  • Business Stalled Due To Change Of Capital; The Sales That Used To Happen In A Day, Now Not Even In A Year

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After the commencement of the work on the Amaravati capital in Andhra Pradesh, the life of the people changed as fast as the work stopped in 2019. It was being developed with the help of a Singapore construction company. It would have been the first capital to have 51% forest and 10% water cover. To connect this city with the state, 36 roads were to be built.

Some of these were up to 225 feet wide. 5 towers of the General Administration Department were to stand in 185 acres. 20% thick concrete was laid on the ground for raft foundation. This tower would have created a world record. The people of the village say, as soon as the capital work started, the entire area had turned into a construction site. 30 to 35 thousand outside laborers came. Create new markets. People were starting new businesses.

Locks were found hanging on all shops from restaurants, showrooms
Manoj Kumar, a businessman of rebar-cement and hardware, says, “Our work went so fast that we had to open warehouses in five villages to meet the demand. At that time the sales that used to happen in a day are not happening in a year now. When we reached other areas of Amravati, we found locks hanging on all the shops ranging from restaurants, showrooms.

Cases on 3 thousand protesting farmers
65-year-old Rambabu says that we were sued for the demonstration. Son Narasimha has two cases. About 3 thousand farmers are named in more than 400 cases. We are all under stress due to the strike, lawsuits and deteriorating condition. Mr. Jai Krishna Gurram, a member of Amravati Immunization Committee, claims that more than 100 farmers have died of heart attacks in 4 years due to stress.

They say that according to the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act 2014, only the first government has the right to decide the capital. The present government does not have the right to change the capital. We will win in the Supreme Court.

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