Are You Facing Burnout at Work? Know How You Can Manage It

If you work long hours with no breaks for physical activity and are under acute stress–it may be a possible sign of occupational burnout. When combined with erratic sleeping and eating patterns, frequent low moods, bad personal hygiene and more could be a sign of an underlying disorder. While work-from-home (WFH) continues, it is equally important to take out time for yourself and de-stress. However, what happens when you have overworked yourself to the point of exhaustion? Research suggests that this breaking point is known as ‘burnout’. In simple terms, burnout can be defined as a “chronic stress-induced occupational syndrome” resulting in fatigue, decreased job productivity, and poor motivation for the job.

A study titled Factors Associated with Work-Related Burnout among Corporate Employees Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic said that work-related burnout is common and has detrimental effects on employees in many industries. It also mentioned that different factors were related to different components of burnout.

For example, age, work involvement, relationships with co-workers, and the amount of work pressure were associated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Other factors included were related to professional accomplishments or the lack thereof. The study’s results suggested that the work environment is of influential importance to the burnout of employees.

Research suggests that an early, routine, and frequent assessment of physical status, mental status, and burnout syndrome is essential to maintain mental health. If lately, you’ve been waking up every morning with a pit of nerves in your stomach and unable to gather the courage to face a new workday–it might be time to get yourself a consult for burnout syndrome.

Vet and Burnout syndrome activist, Tshidi Gardiner suffered from burnout for years before she sought help. However, she is now on the path to recovery and helps other professionals to overcome this roadblock that has halted many a career. Gardiner suggested three easy ways in which you can try to help yourself out from burnout.

  1. Connect with loved ones
  2. Spend time outside
  3. Consider creative expression

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