Amarnath Yatra… 15 No Stay Zones on the way of 18KM: Tents, shops and langar are not allowed in landslide areas

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  • Amarnath Yatra Updates; 15 No Stay Zones On The Way To 18KM; Tents, Shops And Anchors Are Not Allowed In Landslide Areas

6 minutes agoAuthor: Mudassir Kullu

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The Jammu and Kashmir administration has started the exercise to make the Amarnath Yatra, starting from the end of June, more secure for the devotees. About 15 no stay zones will be made this time on the 14 to 18 kilometer long Amarnath Yatra walking route. Tents, shops and langar will not be allowed in these identified no stay zones prone to landslides.

According to the situation, the number of no stay zones can be increased in the route of this journey which lasts for two months. Last year, 3.65 lakh pilgrims had come for the Amarnath Yatra. This was the record number for the last 6 years. It is estimated that this time also a record number of passengers will come.

In July last year, 17 pilgrims were buried under the debris when a landslide hit a camp near the Amarnath cave. There was criticism for not taking precautionary measures for landslides and flash floods, and for allowing a large number of shops and tents to be set up in place.

Footover bridge will be built, fencing and slope will be repaired
This time more foot over bridges will be built in the Amarnath Yatra route. Also fencing is being repaired. The slope identified in the risky route is being strengthened. According to Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary Arun Kumar Mehta, arrangements are being made according to the directions issued by the Supreme Court.

Here are some tips for a safe journey…

  • The work of removing snow from the route of Amarnath Yatra will start from March 15. The snow will be cleared from the entire yatra route by the end of April.
  • Radio frequency tagging of each passenger and vehicles will be done from the point of view of security. With this their exact location can be tracked.
  • Police, CRPF and other security forces will accompany each batch of yatris in view of apprehension of any terrorist attack.

Advisory : Practice Pranayama
According to the advisory of the Shrine Board, travelers should start practicing Pranayama one month before the commencement of the Yatra. Fitness is essential for traveling at an altitude of 15,000 feet. One should walk five to six kilometers daily in the morning and evening.

What is Amarnath Dham and its importance?

Amarnath Dham is a sacred cave situated in the lap of the Himalayas in Jammu and Kashmir, which is the holiest site for Hindus.

  • Lord Shiva is believed to be seated in a holy cave at Amarnath in the form of a Barfa-lingam i.e. Shivalinga of ice. It is also called ‘Baba Barfani’ because of the formation of Shivling from snow.
  • The holy cave is surrounded by glaciers, snowy mountains. The cave is covered with snow for most of the year, except for a few days in summer. It remains open for pilgrims to visit only on those days of summer.
  • The special thing is that in this cave every year the Shivling of ice is formed naturally. The ice lingam is formed by the dripping of water droplets from a crack in the ceiling of the cave. Due to the extreme cold, the water freezes and takes the shape of a Shivling of ice.
  • This is the only Shivling in the world, which increases and decreases depending on the light of the moon. This Shivling is completed on the full moon of Shravan Shukla Paksha and after that it reduces considerably in size till the coming new moon. This happens every year.
  • Every year lakhs of devotees visit the holy cave of Amarnath to have a glimpse of this ice Shivling.
  • To the left of the ice lingam, two small ice lingams are formed, they are considered to be the symbol of Maa Parvati and Lord Ganesha.
  • The holy cave is 19 meters in length, 16 meters in width and 11 meters in height.

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