All You Need To Know About Compartment Exams Of Uttarakhand Board

The schedule for the UK Board 12 and 10 compartment exams will be announced on the board’s official website.

Students can check the exam date sheets on the official website of the board.

The Uttarakhand board has declared the Class 10 and Class 12 exam dates for the 2022-2023 batch. The Uttarakhand Board of School Education (UBSE) will conduct the 2023 Class 10 exams between March 17 and April 6, while exams for Class 12 will be held from March 16 to April 6. Students can check the exam date sheets on the website

Considering the result dates of last year, Class 12 results are expected by May or June. For class 10, results will be announced in May. Students, who fail to qualify for one or more subjects, will have to sit for the compartment examinations. Reportedly, no specific date has been announced for the compartment examination. As stated in the reports, the tentative date for the UK Board 12 supplementary exam 2023 is August. In addition to that, the UK class 12 supplementary examination 2023 will be conducted offline. Reportedly, the Uttarakhand Board class 10 compartment exams tentative date is in July. The schedule for the UK Board 12 and 10 compartment exams will be announced on the board’s official website.

While announcing the Class 10, and 12 exam dates, the board also stated that they will provide 15 minutes to read the question paper before the start of the exam. The Uttarakhand Board Class 10, 12 exams will be held for three hours between 10 am and 1 pm for almost all the papers.

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