AIIMS Issues Advisory On How To Eat Momos As Man Dies Choking On Them

Experts at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi have recently issued a warning that there is a possibility of a person dying as a result of swallowing momos. This comes after a 50-year-old man died because of choking while eating momos, media reports said.

According to AIIMS experts, the man died because of swallowing momos. Therefore, a ‘swallow with care’ health warning has been issued, which means that a person must chew the momos properly before swallowing them.

What Does The Report Say?

The AIIMS report explaining the case of the 50-year-old man who died because of choking on momos was recently published in the journal Forensic Imaging. The study was authored by experts at the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, AIIMS, New Delhi.

The AIIMS experts believe that if one does not chew momos properly and directly swallows them, the food may get stuck in the stomach, ABP News reported.

The man whose case is described in the study was from South Delhi. While he was swallowing the momos, they got stuck in his windpipe, following which he was rushed to AIIMS, New Delhi. However, he was found dead at the hospital.

According to the forensic report, the person had consumed alcohol before eating the momos, ABP News reported.

According to the study published in Forensic Medicine, the authors have analysed the risk factors in the case and also compared the common sites of retrieval of the corpus alienum in choking deaths. Corpus alienum is a scientific term for a foreign body.

According to the study, asphyxia caused by food results in 0.66 fatalities per 100,000 of the general population every year. Asphyxia is a scientific term for suffocation.

The authors concluded in the study that the case report will help forensic experts in interpretation and will supplement the medical literature regarding detection of foreign body lodged in upper airway using Post Mortem Computed Tomography (PMCT).

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