A BJP activist on death row in jail has been arrested on charges of violence in the Prophet debate

A BJP activist died while in custody in Uluberia. The death of the BJP worker has caused a stir in Uluberia. The deceased was identified as Srikant Roy. He was in Uluberia Sub Correctional Institution. Srikant is a resident of West Burikhali area of ​​Bauria police station. It is learned that Srikanth was arrested on charges of being involved in violence in the Prophet debate.

Note that Howrah started burning last week due to the Prophet controversy. Roadblocks, arson, vandalism … everything happened from demonstrations in multiple places. On June 11, Bauria police arrested Srikanth Roy on charges of involvement in the incident. He was then remanded in custody on a court order. He died in jail on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Srikanth’s family claims he is innocent. On June 11, he went to the market. From there, the police suddenly arrested him and took him away.

It is learned that Srikanth fell ill at around 8.40 am on Tuesday. Srikanth was then taken to Uluberia Sub-Divisional Hospital. He died there at 11 o’clock in the afternoon. The family of the deceased Srikanth alleged that the police tortured Srikanth while he was in police custody. Srikanth died due to this. The family of the deceased demanded a CBI probe into the incident. The victim’s wife also demanded an autopsy at the Army Command Hospital. Wife Anima Das alleged that when she went to jail on June 13 to meet Srikanth, her husband told her about the police brutality. Even when they went to the hospital to identify Srikanth’s body, it was alleged that there were signs of injuries on his body.