5 Ways to Leverage OpenAI for Customer Experience

If you own a business, have worked for a company, or are thinking about starting your own venture, you might have come across AI tools.

For the longest, AI tools were designed by big tech for their personal use. No other company would have access to these tools and they generally have very limited functions. These tools were so expensive that only big companies would be able to afford them.

A recent business survey by Oreilly claimed that 26% of the business already have AI-based projects in running or under production. To work on these AI projects, these companies dedicate almost 21% of their budget. This highlights the importance of AI in the current business scenario.

Last year in November, thanks to OpenAI, Artificial Intelligence was launched as an open source for all. This soon sparked a debate online about the use of AI and its impact on the business world. For the first time via AI, small and big businesses were on a level playing field, enjoying the same benefits without paying anything. The best thing about the OpenAI is that its features are limitless and you can leverage it based on the business you own.

Even for the cottage industry or running a business from home, you can use AI to boost your profit while cutting your operational cost to half. For leveraging the OpenAI for small businesses, you just need a good internet connection that will keep you connected at all times. Most businesses are using OpenAI for improving their customer journey, customer service, and customer experience. With OpenAI, businesses are speeding up the query-resolving process, organizing urgent matters, and a lot more. Big brands with millions of customers can optimize customer service with OpenAI. For instance, Optimum customer service can also leverage OpenAI to improve its customer experience.

Within this article, we will highlight the use of OpenAI, some of the best ways you can boost your business after its use, and the ways of implementing OpenAI.

Benefits and Limitations of OpenAI for Business [SA1] 

As a business, before you sign up for OpenAI, you have to look at its benefits as well as its limitations. To give a perspective, here are some of the benefits that are linked with Open AI for business:

  • OpenAI helps in automation of the iterative yet time-consuming tasks like translation, data analysis, etc.
  • Helps in automation of the simple customer service tasks
  • Helps with customer support and retaining customers
  • Speeds up the content creation
  • Generating ideas about new content

Although these benefits are good enough to convince you to switch your business to AI, however, you need to keep in mind that just like most tools. OpenAI also has its limitations here are some of the limitations that you need to consider as well.

  • Currently, OpenAI can only offer support in limited languages. Although these languages cover the most spoken languages, however, for local support they are still not enough.
  • You can only use OpenAI for simple tasks like conversation handling, language processing, etc.
  • Since OpenAI has a conversation-based model, you might notice that it has some inconsistent replies. 
  • OpenAI sometimes generates responses by using the data from review-based sites like Reddit or Quora so you might get some biased responses as well.

5 Ways to Leverage OpenAI for Customer Experience

1.    For Content Marketing

Content marketing is a very vast subject, which is the reason mastering it can take a few years. Moreover, the trends of content marketing change with time, and every time Google rolls out a new update, a content marketer has to upgrade his skill and come up with a competitive solution. However, with the use of OpenAI, this bridge will be filled. Now, with just a good prompt, you will get an effective content marketing strategy that might otherwise require a lot of time, effort, and experience.

2.    Automation of Customer Service Tasks

Most of the customer service tasks are iterative but they require a lot of time, attention, and eye for detail. Apart from this, you need a dedicated team that would tend to the customers at all times. Eventually, this will add up to a lot of costs. However, if you replace the team with OpenAI, you will have a free customer service team 24/7 with little to no operational cost.

3.    Catching Up For Trends Earlier

It is said that within the business if you do not catch up with trends on time, you will eventually run out of business. We have seen that happening with some of the biggest brands i.e. Kodak and Nokia. Now that technology is developing faster than ever, catching up on the latest trends is becoming very difficult. However, with the use of OpenAI, trends can be followed closely and on time helping your business reach its maximum potential.

4.    Translation

Within customer service and customer experience, communication plays a vital role. However, when companies lack native touch, this deters customers, reducing the retention rate. With the help of OpenAI, companies can leverage the translation feature and offer customer support in the native language of the customer.

5.    Development of Software

The development of software is a very complex yet very creative task. In most cases, companies work for years in building simple software and then it goes through a comprehensive QA process before it is launched. However, with OpenAI, the process of software development can be made easy and faster.

Bottom Line

For the success of the business, it is now more important than ever to step up the business game with the use of AI. The aforementioned methods are some of the most promising ways you can leverage OpenAI for your business.
