41.5 crore people of the country rose above the poverty line: change in 15 years; UN and Oxford University released the report

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  • Poverty In India Reduced In Last 15 Years; UNDP And Oxford University Released Report

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According to the report, out of 610 crore people in 110 countries of the world, 110 crore people live in extreme poverty.

A new United Nations report has revealed that India has achieved great success in reducing poverty. Between 2005-06 to 2019-21, 41.5 crore people have come out of poverty in India. This information has been revealed in the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), which has been released by the United Nations Development Program and Oxford University.

2.30 crore people living in appalling poverty

According to the report, in 2005-06, about 6.45 crore people were living in extreme poverty in India. This number decreased to around 3.70 crore in 2015-16 and 2.30 crore in 2019-21. These figures show a substantial reduction in the poverty level. The fastest progress has been made in India’s poorest states and clusters, the report said. Including children and people from backward castes.

According to the report, out of 610 crore people in 110 countries of the world, 110 crore people live in extreme poverty. In this, the number of children below the age of 18 years is about half, 566 million. The poverty rate among children is 27.7%, while it is 13.4% among adults.

84% poor people live in rural areas
The report states that poverty mainly affects people living in rural areas. 84% of its poor people live in rural areas. Rural areas in the world are poorer than urban areas. 25 countries, including India, have halved their Global MPI values ​​in 15 years’ time, showing the potential for rapid progress.

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