4-month farmers’ protest in Noida to end? Talks are near ‘resolution’ | Noida News – Times of India

Noida: A breakthrough in talks between farmers’ representatives and a Noida Authority team was in sight after a marathon meeting between the two sides but Thursday ended with the sit-in agitation continuing outside the Noida Authority office, where farmers have been camping for the last four months.
The farmers claimed the government team had agreed to three of their major demands but decided not to call off the protest because they had not received a signed document. Senior Noida Authority officials remained tightlipped on the details of negotiations but claimed a “resolution” had been reached.
Farmer leader Sukhvir Khalifa, who is currently in hospital, said there was “distrust” and “doubt” among farmers about the promises made. “Officials had agreed earlier but are now dilly-dallying on giving a signed document. The protest will continue till we get a signed document,” he said. Khalifa, who was discharged from hospital later in the evening, reached the protest site and said that he will remain on hunger strike till the farmers’ demands are met. Another farmer, Ravi Chauhan, who had been on hunger strike, was taken to the district hospital.
Sudhir Chauhan, one of the protesters, said after a five-hour meeting on Wednesday that continued till 10pm, another round of talks was held on Thursday afternoon. “They had agreed to three of our major demands – handing over 5% plots to farmers whose land has been acquired since 1977, increasing the quantum of leaseback and keeping farmers’ properties out of the map policy except for the bar on increasing the height over 15 metres,” he claimed.
“We had asked Authority officials to give a written document signed by the designated authority to us. However, by Thursday evening, the situation changed as they were not ready to hand over a written document. We also wanted that some of the farmers sitting in protest could be handed over the 5% plots to send a positive message but that wasn’t done either,” he added. CEO Ritu Maheshwari said the Noida Authority will comment “only when the dharna is lifted”.
ACEO Praveen Mishra, who led the talks with the farmers along with two officers on special duty, said the issue had been almost resolved but the details would be given only on Friday.
