2-year-old boy swallows remote battery: Doctors in Thiruvananthapuram remove it with endoscopy in 20 minutes

  • Hindi News
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  • Kerala Endoscopy Surgey; 2 Year Old Boy Swallows TV Remote Battery In Thiruvananthapuram

ThiruvananthapuramOne hour ago

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X-ray of Rishikesh in which the battery can be clearly seen.

In Thiruvananthapuram, a 2-year-old boy playfully swallowed the battery of a TV remote. The parents immediately took the child to a nearby clinic, where seeing the emergency, NIMS was sent to the hospital. Here the doctors removed the battery in 20 minutes by doing endoscopy of Rishikesh.

Doctors say that if the battery had gone to any other part of the stomach, then the child could have had more problems.

5 cm battery removed after giving anesthesia
Gastroenterologist Jayakumar along with his team took out a 5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide battery from the child’s stomach. For this the child was given anesthesia. The doctors had made preparations even before the child reached the hospital, due to which the child’s life was saved in time.

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