13th day of the wrestlers’ strike: Rakesh Tikait arrived late at night; Haryana-UP mahapanchayat announced at Jantar Mantar on May 7, players demand support from Haryana CM

Panipat7 minutes ago

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The strike by the country’s top wrestlers over the arrest of Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh continued for the 13th day on Friday. Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait reached the protest site late on Thursday. Where he made many big announcements while addressing the wrestlers and others.

He said that the Delhi Police misbehaved with these children (players) just on the pretext of bringing beds, which will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The electricity and water supply of these children has also been cut off. Now a conspiracy is being hatched to convert this movement into casteism.

While these children do not belong to any caste, these children belong to our country. It is also our responsibility to protect them. They should not get hurt in any way. Do not let any anti-social element from outside attack them. Although the Delhi Police has done a lot of barricading here, it is good. But the police need to keep a more sharp eye.

Sakshi Malik cried after being hurt by the misbehavior of the Delhi Police late on Wednesday night.

Sakshi Malik cried after being hurt by the misbehavior of the Delhi Police late on Wednesday night.

There will be discussion on the practice of players on May 7.
On May 7, representatives of Khap Panchayats will come to Jantar Mantar. Khap panchayats were also held at many places in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh on Thursday. Now we have two days, in which we will contact all other places. All the representatives of Khaps will be called here on May 7. Here further strategy will have to be made.

Because the practice of these children is missing. Will talk about this too. This matter will also be brought to the notice of the authorities. There is also an appeal to our government that arrangements should be made for the practice of these children. Whether this arrangement is here or in many other places, we will talk about it. Players don’t need to despair. Will fight this battle with strength.

Delhi Police will be responsible if anything happens to supporters during detention: Vinesh
Bajrang Punia has appealed to the Delhi Police that the people who have been detained in his support should be released soon. At the same time, Vinesh Phogat said that if anything happens to the people who have been detained, the Delhi Police will also be responsible for that.
Although the police have done all this to maintain law and order. What we respect. We ourselves do not want any kind of violence to happen. The strike will continue till the arrest is made. Whatever decision is taken now, she will take it. Because the Supreme Court takes our decision before the High Court. It will be universal for us.

Expectation from the CM of Haryana
Bajrang Punia said that my Chief Minister Manohar Lal is also requested to come and support us. Because this is the issue of our daughters of India. You are the head of our state. This is a matter of getting justice to the daughters, so why are you not coming here. At the same time, Vinesh said that until the case was registered against Brij Bhushan, the CM was saying that he is with us and will not allow injustice to be done to the daughters. As soon as the case was registered, where did he go with him? We hope CM will take cognizance in this matter.

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