Zero Covid deaths in Tamil Nadu after nearly two years

Tamil Nadu on Friday reported ‘zero’ Covid death after a gap of two years. The last time the State saw nil death after the pandemic outbreak was on April 30, 2020.

The State had reported the first Covid death on March 25, 2020 and the toll has so far been 38,023. The month of May 2021 witnessed the highest deaths in a month at 10,1816, according to health department data.

On Friday, the State saw 112 new infections with Chennai reporting 42 cases. After 327 persons were discharged, the number of active cases stood at 1,461. A total of 42,241 samples were tested.

On Friday, 60,128 persons were vaccinated to take the total number of doses to 9,81,30,310.

Published on

March 11, 2022