YouTube Will Use AI Tech To Summarise Comments in Shorts: Here’s How – News18

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YouTube will use AI to summarise comments now.

YouTube is slowly adding new AI tools to its armoury and Shorts videos will see its benefits in comments very soon.

YouTube is currently testing its AI-powered comment topic summariser feature for its Shorts. According to reports, as of now, the experimental feature will only be available for iOS and Android users and will be available for a limited number of shorts with large comment sections from selected creators.

With the help of AI, the feature organizes the comment section into popular subjects, allowing users to discover themes in comment sections and join the discussion without having to read every comment.

Google introduced AI topics last year and was rolled out globally for long-format videos and received positive feedback from the creators. The company also says that in this experimental feature creators can use these comment summaries to jump into comment discussions on their videos or to draw inspiration for new content based on what audiences are discussing.

In case, a creator wants to delete any topic, they will have to delete individual comments that appear under a specific topic. The tech giant further explained that the AI only uses published comments and cannot be created from comments that are held for review, contain blocked words or are from blocked users.

Google stated that the experiment is being rolled out for limited viewers on the YouTube mobile app, also for selected videos with large comment sections.

This ‘Topics’ feature can be seen in the long-format videos on the YouTube mobile app. Once the user enters the comment section, at the top a new ‘Topics’ tab appears which shows different labeled topics generated by the user-generated comments. Each topic includes all relevant comments, making it easy for users to find and contribute to the conversations.

YouTube has been doing quite a few experiments with its Shorts. Recently, the company introduced a new feature, the Dream Screen, which uses AI to generate image green screen backgrounds for Shorts. This means creators can use AI-generated videos or image backgrounds for their shorts simply by typing an idea into the prompt.

For the initial stage, YouTube rolled out the Dream Screen feature for a smaller number of creators and will launch the feature for a larger audience later this year.