Your hormones could be wreaking havoc: Lookout for these five signs to know | The Times of India

The human body is largely controlled by endocrine secretions that play an integral part in running the body. The vital physiological functions in the body are regulated and controlled by hormones that are secreted by our glands and released into the bloodstream. Glands such as pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus, thyroid and pancreas secrete hormones that play a key role in our wellbeing. A disturbance or imbalance in hormonal secretions can however lead to a lot of damage to the body and the mind.

Physiological functions are disturbed by hormonal imbalances but emotional and mental wellbeing is equally affected by any disturbances in the secretions of our glands. In women, the time around the menstrual cycle can be taxing but other factors such as stress, anxiety and diseases can also throw your hormones off the track. Here are five signs that you should look out for in case you have doubts regarding your hormonal health.
