You can now type with your voice in Windows 11 – Times of India

Last month, Microsoft started testing the voice access feature for Windows 11 with the build 22518. The feature allows you to manage basic tasks on Windows 11 using voice commands. You can use the feature to open or close an app, search anything on the web browser and other similar functions. It can also be used to dictate text or control the mouse cursor of your PC. Now, the company has announced that it is adding the voice access feature to the virtual keyboard with the new Windows Insider update.
How the Windows 11 voice access feature works with virtual keyboard
As explained by Microsoft in its blog, the new you can use the feature to show or hide the virtual keyboard by using commands such as “show keyboard” or “hide keyboard”. As you can already dictate text using the feature, the main purpose of this feature on virtual keyboard is to help you to spell words such as names and email addresses, enter numbers, enter punctuation marks and symbols, and to enter emojis.
Once you open the virtual keyboard using the voice command you will see a number over every key. The number will help you to press the key using voice command. For example, if you wish to press the ‘G’ key, you can just say “click 18”. You follow the similar instructions to open the emojis panel and to press other keys as well.
Apart from this, the company has also announced that it is beginning to roll out the ability for voice typing to download Speech Packs from the Microsoft Store for device-based speech recognition that provides a better performance of transcription. You should note that these features are only available to users who are enrolled in the Windows Insider program. The company has not yet revealed when the features will be available in a public release.
