Yogi Adityanath hails vax drive in Lucknow, says all 18+ eligible jabbed with 1st dose | Lucknow News – Times of India

LUCKNOW: Appealing to people not to panic, but take precautions to check the spread of Covid-19, chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said that Lucknow has achieved the target of administering first dose of Covid vaccine to entire eligible population of 18 years or above, while over 72% of the adult populace has taken the second dose as well.
“Overall, the district ran a good vaccination d rive. In f act, UP has played a leading role in Covid management and vaccination and its model has been appreciated across the country,” the CM said while addressing media person after inspecting Covid-19 facility at King George’s Medical University. Besides, he said, large-scale vaccination h as played an active part in keeping the impact of third wave low. However, he added, people should continue to strictly follow all safety protocols.
“The state has 1. 03 lakh active cases as on date, of which less than 1% of the patients had to be hospitalised. Similarly, in Lucknow, 2,300 new cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours and the tally of active cases has reached 16,300, but only 128 patients are admitted in various hospitals, which indicates that the third wave of Covid-19 is weak,” he said.
He further stated that about 22. 8 crore people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in the state, out of which, 51. 3 lakh are adolescents in the 15-18 years group, besides 3. 8 lakh healthcare and frontline workers and elderlies have taken precautionary doses. Senior KGMU officials and doctors were present during the inspection. They later claimed that the CM was satisfied with arrangements.
