Yellow alert of rain-hail in Himachal: warning of thunderstorm tomorrow and day after tomorrow, weather will be bad till June 17

Shimla41 minutes ago

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People sheltering from the rain with umbrellas on the ridge (file photo)

Heavy rain and hailstorm are expected in Himachal Pradesh from today. Meteorological Center Shimla has issued a yellow alert for rain and hailstorm for the next 96 hours i.e. four days from today.

Today and tomorrow there may be hailstorm and strong winds or storm with a speed of 30 to 40 km per hour. The day after tomorrow rain is forecast in most parts of the state. That is, even before the onset of rains, the rains will drench Himachal a lot.

People walking in the rain on the ridge of Shimla (file photo)

People walking in the rain on the ridge of Shimla (file photo)

heavy rain clouds

Earlier in the month of May, rain and cold have broken the record of the last 20 years. Even before the rains start in June, the rains are soaking the mountains and 13 percent more rain has been received than normal.

121 percent more rain than normal in Una district

Except Chamba, Kinnaur and Lahaul Spiti, all other districts received above normal rainfall. Una district has received 121% more rainfall than normal. Due to this, this time Una district has got relief from the scorching heat like last years.

Similarly, due to continuous rains, the weather has remained pleasant this time in the state. It is likely to remain the same till next June 18, because according to the Meteorological Department, there is no possibility of getting relief from the rains.