World UFO Day 2022 — Here’s Why July 2 Is Celebrated As World UFO Day

July 2 each year is celebrated as World UFO Day is celebrated to create awareness among people about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) and to celebrate their existence. UFO day is also celebrated on June 24.

It is celebrated on June 24 as on this date American aviator Kenneth Albert claimed that he had seen nine unusual objects flying in tandem near Mount Rainier, Washington in 1947. This was the first widely reported modern unidentified flying object sighting in the United States. So many celebrate June 24th as UFO Day.

While it is celebrated on July 2 because of the Roswell incident which is the world’s most famous, most exhaustively investigated and most thoroughly debunked UFO claim.

In this case, the United States Army Air Forces officers from Roswell Army Field recovered a balloon from a farm which was near Corona in New Mexico after which the United States Air Force published a report where they described the crashed object as a nuclear test surveillance balloon from Project Mogul but the event continued to be the popular headline of that time where most believed that the crashed object was a flying saucer and the debris was extraterrestrial.

One of the foremost reasons to celebrate this day is to encourage governments to declassify their information about the various sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects. The UFO community backs the celebration of this day over the globe because on this day the UFO community gets to discuss and share their knowledge with the non-believers of UFOs and get to aware of their existence.

This day is celebrated by the believers of this day in which people come together and look at the skies and do other UFO-themed activities.

The World Day Organization declared July 2nd as the official World Unidentified Flying Objects Day, this was done by the organization to eliminate any kind of confusion between the two World UFO Days.