Wife troubled by drug addict husband in Amritsar: Jumped from the third floor, both legs broken; Incident captured in CCTV

Amritsar12 minutes ago

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Troubled by her drug addict husband, a wife attempted suicide in Amritsar, Punjab. The woman jumped from the third floor of the house. Thankfully she survived. He has been admitted to a private hospital in an injured condition and both his legs have been broken. But the incident of his fall was captured in CCTV.

The woman was seen falling from the terrace in CCTV.

The woman was seen falling from the terrace in CCTV.

The incident is of the street in front of Tur Sahib Gurdwara in Amritsar. Troubled by her drug addict husband, Rama (fictitious name) went to the third floor of the house and jumped. The family members also came to know when the sound of Rama’s screams echoed in the street. The people of the street and the family immediately took Rama to the hospital. Rama has fractured both legs.

Did not leave addiction even after treatment

Family members of the injured Rama told that Rama and her husband used to always fight over drugs. Rama also tried to get her husband treated. Medicine was also given to get rid of intoxication. But he started drinking again.

Police started action

Police has started action on the charge of attempting suicide of Rama. The police have not yet registered a case of abetment to suicide against her husband. They are waiting to record the statement due to Rama’s health. Police will take action against the accused husband only on the basis of the statements.

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