Why Stretch Marks are Caused and Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Them

Stretch marks are like bands of lines that appear running across the skin. It is caused when our skin rapidly stretches and shrinks. Thighs, stomach, hips, and breasts are the most common areas where these discoloured lines generally occur. Furthermore, they can also appear on your upper arms, lower back and buttocks. Stretch marks are a given after pregnancy, but they can also develop for other reasons like:

Medical conditions
Weight fluctuation
Signs and symptoms

The skin may appear thin and pink before stretch marks start to show. Additionally, the area where the marks are likely to appear may also feel itchy or irritated.

In the beginning, the marks appear as wrinkled, elevated streaks that might be red, purple, pink, reddish-brown, or dark brown as per the skin tone. Over time, the streaks usually fade out and take on a silvery hue. However, stretch marks start to get less evident over time but it can take several years.


According to Healthline, in order to prevent yourself from getting stretch marks, you should stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet and work out regularly. It is recommended that you take help from your dietitian while trying to gain or lose weight as it will reduce the chances of stretch marks.


Self-tanning lotion: According to the American Academy of Dermatology, applying self-tanning lotion can temporarily reduce the difference between your actual skin colour and the colour of your stretch marks.

Prescription creams: Prescription creams contains a synthetic version of vitamin A as well as hyaluronic acid and retention. It aids in making the early stretch marks less visible.

Moisturising: As per the American Academy of dermatology, massaging new stretch marks gently for a couple of weeks can be helpful.

In case you want to get rid of your stretch marks as soon as possible then you can seek medical treatments.

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