Why interested in showing Aftab’s narco test on TV ?: Delhi High Court asked the news channel, said- What is so special in this case?

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Shraddha Aftab Case; Delhi High Court To News Channel Over Ameen Narco Test Report

New Delhi2 minutes ago

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Now the next hearing in the case will be on August 3.

The court had stayed the telecast of the narco test report of Aftab, an accused in the Shraddha murder case. Thereafter, a news channel filed a petition to quash this order. The Delhi High Court heard the matter on Wednesday. Justice Rajneesh Bhatnagar asked the news channel why the channel was showing so much interest in showing Aftab’s narco test? The court further said that there are about 20 murders every day in the country. Then what is so special in this case?

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