Why Children Bully? Things That Parents Need to Understand

Parenting is hard. More often than not, parents always seem to be constantly concerned about their children and their well being. It is important for the parents and children to have a transparent relationship in order to better understand each other.

If parents put up a wall and treat their children in only strict and disciplinary ways, there is a high chance of a child shunning them away. Parents often hope and pray that their children should not become a victim of bullying. While most parents only think about why their kid was subjected to bullying, they often forget to ask a pertinent question, which is whether their kid has bullied someone?

It is of paramount importance that parents should not miss out on the early triggering signs of aggression in their kids. Why is their kid behaving in such a particular way?. The experts have suggested that the children who bully others might also have been a victim of bullying in the past. The bullies are often subject to mental and behavioural issues as well, like anxiety, poor performance, depression, and sleep difficulties to name a few.

Here are some of the reasons why children resort to aggression and bullying in the first place.

1. It is believed that the bully probably wants to feel secure while maintaining his or her superiority.

2. The bully could feel the need to have their full control in a particular situation and to get support from others. Bullies often resort to aggression to kill the competition, since they are under the constant threat of being challenged.

It is therefore crucial for parents to be aware of the aggression signs in their kids and start helping their kids as soon as they find out. It is advisable to not get hyper and instead of reacting to the situation, they should respond. They should not let their emotions lead, but should come up with logical and rational arguments to help their kids rectify their behaviour.

As a parent, you should also try to create a positive and safe environment for your kids at home. Engage them in activities that can help in channelling their energy in the right direction.

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