‘Why are you being deprived of drinking water for political reasons?’ High Court seeks affidavit

Locals have not been getting drinking water for about six months due to political tension. As a result, we have to go far to fetch water. Residents of Salanpur and Barabbi blocks of Asansol had recently approached the Calcutta High Court seeking provision of drinking water. Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court Prakash Srivastava was surprised to hear such allegations from the locals.

“Why are people being deprived of drinking water only because of political tensions, despite their rights?” In fact, the Chief Justice has raised that question.

According to the case statement, more than 10,000 people live in the two blocks located in the coal mining area of ​​Asansol. Where the people of 6 villages are suffering. As the area is within the coal mine area, there are no tubewells. In this condition they have to collect drinking water from a distance of about three kilometers. Then if there is no drinking water there, sometimes you have to drink water from the pond or dobar.

According to them, tanks were provided by Eastern Cold Field Limited about five years ago to supply drinking water to the area. So far the locals have been getting drinking water through that tank. However, the problem started in July. They complained that the local administration had stopped the supply of water through the tank due to the presence of Babul Supriya picture in the tank.

It may be mentioned that Babul Supriya was a BJP MP at that time. Although he later joined the grassroots. Locals, however, complained that the tanks were still closed. As a result, they are suffering daily for drinking water. Why is the Division Bench of the Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court being deprived of their drinking water supply on the basis of this case? He directed the state government to issue an affidavit seeking his reply.
