Whoever starts, Hindus will say the last word, VHP warns the Chief Minister

Hindu society in West Bengal will get in the way if it does not take immediate action against those who are hurting the faith of the traditionalists. In a letter to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Amiya Sarkar, former field secretary of the World Hindu Council, warned in this language. In a letter to the chief minister on Wednesday, he demanded immediate police action against Mahua Maitra and Taha Siddiqui.

The letter, published on behalf of the World Hindu Council, said, “We have seen the activities of you and your party in arresting Nupur Sharma. You wanted to arrest a traditional Hindu woman even though you were a Hindu. But you should have remembered that the wheel of time does not take time to turn. ‘

After this, in the context of Mahua Maitra, it was written, ‘A famous spokesperson of your party, a member of Lok Sabha, Mahua Maitra has hurt the feelings of Hindu believers. Our adorable goddess mother Kalika has insulted and made ugly remarks’.

At the same time, he also raised the issue of Taha Siddiqui’s remarks. Wrote, ‘Pir Saheb Pirzada Taha Siddiqui, a senior celebrity from the minority community, has hurt the feelings of Hindus and made vulgar remarks in the name of our adorable Dev Devadev Mahadev. I am also demanding the issuance of an arrest warrant for him.

He demanded, “I urge the West Bengal government to direct the administrative authorities of the state to file a self-motivated case against these two persons while maintaining the dignity of the Indian Constitution.” If you do not arrest these two personalities and throw them in jail, the traditional society will lose faith in you. The communal friendship of West Bengal will be ruined ‘.

After this, Amiyababu wrote with a warning, “If you remain a silent spectator, then our people and the majority Hindu society of West Bengal will take to the streets and start an intense movement.”

He also said, “If no action is taken on your part, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad will file complaints against them in various police stations across the state.” At the end of the letter, the World Hindu Council has warned that whoever starts, the last word will be said but the majority Hindu society will say it.