When the woman started distributing pamphlets for the revolution of 1857: had been the Vice Chancellor, said – there is a need for another movement in the country, people saluted the spirit

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  • Has Been The Vice Chancellor, Said There Is A Need For Another Movement In The Country, People Saluted The Spirit

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An elderly woman was distributing pamphlets on the road of Lucknow. Someone uploaded its video on social media. The video is now becoming increasingly viral. Because the woman distributing the pamphlets is not an ordinary woman, but Professor Rokhpi Verma, former Vice Chancellor of Lucknow University. At the age of 79, Prof. Seeing Verma’s enthusiasm and passion, people have been praising him on social media.

This place is associated with the revolution of 1857

The place in Lucknow where Professor Rokhpi Verma was distributing pamphlets is related to the first freedom struggle of 1857. On 30 June 1857, there was a battle between the British army and the Indian rebels at Chinhat. In this war, the army of the common people drove the British armed with weapons. Pro. Rupkhine Verma was distributing pamphlets related to this war and the glorious history of Lucknow. She was stopping and giving pamphlets to everyone passing by on the road.

People said – the world is running with such people

Pro. Seeing this dedication of Verma, people on social media became his fans. A user on Facebook wrote that ‘the world survives because of people like you.’ Another user called Prof. Verma as a true patriot.

In a similar Facebook post, Professor outline Verma was praised for stating the age of 77 years. Responding to which Prof. In a joking manner, Verma wrote that ‘Thank you for telling my age less than 3 years. I am feeling 70 now.

A vocal advocate of women’s rights, Prof. Varma

Professor Rokhpik Verma has been Professor of Philosophy and Head of the Department at Lucknow University for a long time. After retirement, she works for women’s rights. Pro. Verma is known for her outspoken opinion on women’s issues.

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