Wearing an apron, stethoscope around his neck, a young man pretending to be a doctor at Calcutta Medical College, arrested

Absolutely the doctor’s costume. White apron. Stethoscope around the neck. The young man used to walk around the Calcutta Medical College with a serious face. He was even seen talking to the patient’s family about various issues. The suspicions of the junior doctors began to grow stronger.

Allegedly, the young man became the confidant of the patient’s family after wearing that dress. He would then send patient samples to various pathologies, taking advantage of their simple beliefs. Then he would promise to bring medicine for less money.

However, in the end, the police arrested the accused fake doctor due to the activities of the junior doctors. His name is Sanwar Hossain. Home in Howrah. Age 25 years. According to sources, he is actually unemployed. Couldn’t get a job. That’s why he used to come to the hospital wearing a white apron. This is practically his job.

Allegedly he was getting cheating traps across the hospital. It is alleged that he used to mislead the relatives of the patients in various ways and collect money from them. However, it is a little detour. He is alleged to have had contacts with multiple pathology centers. It is alleged that he used to take commission by sending patient samples there.

Meanwhile, junior doctors complained The hospital has nothing to do with the young man. He is also not a doctor. He used this special ploy to mislead the patient’s family and collect money.