War of words before Gujarat elections: Shah said – do not trust those who promise, Kejriwal said – he is speaking against his party

Ahmedabad2 minutes ago

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Ahead of the assembly elections to be held in Gujarat, there has been a war of words between Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and Union Home Minister Amit Shah. Amit Shah had gone to his Lok Sabha constituency Gandhinagar to inaugurate some projects. During this, he said that those doing business of dreams will not get success in Gujarat. Don’t trust the people who make promises.

On this statement of Shah, Kejriwal retaliated and said that Shah was absolutely right. Do not trust the public at all. On those people who said that they will bring back the black money and put Rs 15 lakh in the account of the people of Gujarat. I am shocked that he is speaking against his own party.

Kejriwal said – people should not trust those who show false dreams
CM Kejriwal said that I believe that people should not trust those who show false dreams. But trust those people who have already made electricity free in Delhi and Punjab. If our government is formed in Gujarat also, we will make electricity free.

Shah said- our victory is sure
Shah said the BJP would not only retain power in his home state but also get a thumping majority in the December elections. Also claimed that Gujarat is in favor of BJP. I know the people of Gujarat very well. They recognize people for their work. He knows who’s really going to do the work. All the people of the state are with the BJP.

BJP making Sonia Gandhi PM candidate from backdoor
Kejriwal said that BJP people are saying whether Medha Patkar will be the CM candidate of Aam Aadmi Party. My answer to this is that I have also heard that Modi ji is making Sonia Gandhi the PM candidate from the backdoor. He even said that Congress is over.

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