Vladimir Putin likely to isolate in bunker amid flu outbreak in Kremlin: Report

As several Kremlin officials are affected due to a major flu outbreak, speculations are rife that Russian President Vladimir Putin may be isolated in a bunker, a report has said.

Kremlin,UPDATED: Dec 15, 2022 15:14 IST

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, December 9, 2022 (Photo: Reuters/File)

By India Today Web Desk: Russian President Vladimir Putin is likely to be isolated in a bunker as a major flu outbreak has affected several Kremlin officials, claimed a report by The Mirror. Many people in Kremlim are down with flu and speculations are rife that Putin may isolate in a bunker, the report said.

Putin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, reportedly told the Novaya Gazeta Europe news outlet that many people in the Kremlin are down with flu. Putin has already cancelled his annual set-piece press conference this month.

The revelation of the flu sweeping Putin’s presidential team comes amid speculation that he is set to hide away by the New Year due to health concerns.

Earlier, several media reports pointed out that the Russian president is suffering from various health conditions including cancer and a schizoaffective disorder.

The report also suggests that Putin’s address to the parliament is not ruled out this month. But the unusual unprompted claim of the Russian President’s close aides that they were hit by the flu may lead to its cancellation.

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Meanwhile, a report by Today Verstka oulet reported that he is likely to abandon his address to the upper house of parliament as he is spooked by Ukraine’s ability to strike targets in Russia. It further states that the Kremlin leader and his close family will spend the New Year vacation in a bunker east of the Ural Mountains.

“The recent strike on military airfields deep in Russia has caused Putin serious concern,” said General SVR Telegram channel.

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“Despite the president’s order to strengthen security measures at strategic facilities, the already prohibitive security measures of Vladimir Putin himself have really intensified. Putin has begun to spend more time in bunker-type premises. And the president and his loved ones [will celebrate] the New Year in a bunker located behind the Ural Mountains, instead of the residence in Sochi, as previously planned,” the report said.

Meanwhile, on the war front, Moscow has said no ‘Christmas ceasefire’ was on the cards after nearly 10 months of devastating war in Ukraine. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov pointed out that Zelenskyy needs to accept “new realities” and said progress would not be possible without considering these realities.

Russia continues to pound missiles into Ukraine during the cold winter which has crippled its energy infrastructure and facilities. On Wednesday, Ukrainian forces shot down 13 drones as Russia launched its first major drone attack on Kyiv in weeks.

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