VIDEO of the havoc caused by the speeding of BMW: The speeding car crossed the divider and trampled the woman riding the scooty, the incident was captured in CCTV

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  • The Speeding Car Trampled The Woman Riding The Scooty By Crossing The Divider, The Incident Was Captured In CCTV

Mangalore14 minutes ago

A speeding BMW car rammed a scooty-riding woman on the other side of the road while crossing the divider from Mangalore in Karnataka on Saturday. The speed of the car was so fast that after hitting the scooty, it collided with another car coming from behind while pushing it. During this, the woman riding the scooty got stuck between the two cars.

This whole incident is from Ballabgarh Junction of Mangalore. However, the car coming behind the scooty had applied the brakes in time, due to which the life of the woman riding the scooty was saved. According to the information, the woman has been admitted to the hospital in a seriously injured condition.

incident caught on cctv
This painful incident was caught in the CCTV cameras, the video footage of which has gone viral on social media. It can be seen in the video that the incident took place when the traffic was moving normally. The speed of the car can also be gauged from the fact that apart from the woman riding the scooty, the driver of the car coming from behind has also been hurt.

A woman was also standing on the divider, who narrowly escaped being hit by an uncontrollable BMW car, but was also injured after falling down unbalanced.

The woman was injured after falling down on the divider in an attempt to avoid being hit by the car during the accident.

accused driver arrested
According to a report, after the incident, the people present there somehow pulled out the injured woman from between the two cars. The woman could not even stand. The cow was sent to the hospital. After this, people first beat up the BMW driver, later handed him over to the police. The City Traffic Police is investigating the incident. It is being said that the car driver was intoxicated at the time of the incident, due to which he lost his balance.

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