VIDEO of innocent children vandalized in school: Students in Katihar said – Mid-day-meal not received for many days, teachers give massage

Katihar2 hours ago

School children ransacked in Katihar. Its video has surfaced. On not getting food in the school, the students got angry and started breaking the tin boundary. The children allege that they are not given mid-day meal. Also, instead of teaching, teachers give massages.

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The incident is of Upgraded Middle School of Barsoi block. Where the school students created a ruckus for not making MDM and vandalized it. According to the information, on the provocation of the parents and outsiders, the children became furious and started sabotaging.

School children ransacked in Katihar.

teacher gives massage
On the information of the uproar in the school, Mo Gulzar of the Zilla Parishad inquired about the whole matter from the children and talked to the children. The children talked about not making the mid-day meal every day. Along with this, teachers have been accused of getting massages instead of teaching.

For not making MDM, the school students created a ruckus and vandalized it.

For not making MDM, the school students created a ruckus and vandalized it.

The incident is shameful – BEO
An attempt was made to contact MDM in-charge Jaijeev Mandal on the matter. But it didn’t happen. On the other hand, Block Education Officer Mumtaz Ahmed spoke to the headmaster Gopain Chandra, describing the incident as shameful. Along with this, after investigation, it has been said that action will be taken against the culprits.

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