Vertigo on the Rise: Women’s Increased Risk Tied to Lack of Awareness – News18

Symptoms may include difficulty concentrating, dizziness, hearing loss in one or both ears, balance problems leading to sudden falls, vomiting, and feelings of nausea. (Photo: Shutterstock)

By spreading awareness about vertigo, we hope to help individuals suffering in silence to regain control of their lives and find the support they need

In a startling revelation, medical experts have raised concerns about the increasing prevalence of vertigo, a debilitating balance disorder, primarily affecting women due to a lack of awareness surrounding this condition. An alarming number of individuals, especially women, are suffering silently, unaware of the available treatments and support. To shed light on this critical issue, Dr. Sushrut Deshmukh, ENT Specialist, Apollo Spectra Pune emphasizes the importance of awareness and early intervention.

Vertigo, characterized by dizziness, spinning sensations, and loss of balance, can have a profound impact on one’s daily life. It often leads to falls, accidents, and a diminished quality of life. Women, in particular, are at a higher risk of developing vertigo due to hormonal fluctuations and other factors.

Dr Deshmukh, says, “Vertigo is not a fancy term; it’s a condition where you feel like you or your surroundings are spinning when you’re actually not moving at all. Think of that disorienting sensation when you step off a merry-go-round. Vertigo is like that, but it can happen at any time. Now, here’s why it matters: It messes with your life. It can make you dizzy, unsteady on your feet, and even cause falls. Imagine trying to lead a normal life when the ground beneath you feel like it’s dancing. It’s tough, isn’t it?”

The lack of awareness regarding vertigo symptoms and available treatments is a concerning trend. Many individuals mistake their symptoms for temporary discomfort, delaying necessary medical attention. Moreover, there’s a Surprising Gender Gap which Dr. Sushrut Deshmukh has noticed as something unsettling in his practice—more women seem to be dealing with vertigo than men. Why? It’s partly because of hormonal changes, which can mess with the inner ear, our body’s balance centre. Pregnancy, menopause, and even birth control can play a role.

Dr Deshmukh adds, “When I see so many women struggling with vertigo, it worries me. People think it’s just a passing inconvenience. They don’t realize that it can be managed and treated. Many don’t even realise they have it. Awareness is our best defence. If you’re feeling dizzy often, don’t ignore it. It might be vertigo, and it’s treatable.”

We’re urging everyone, especially women, to pay attention to their bodies. If you’re experiencing dizziness, spinning sensations, or unsteadiness, don’t brush it off. It might be vertigo, and it’s worth checking out. By spreading awareness about vertigo, we hope to help individuals suffering in silence to regain control of their lives and find the support they need.