US Rejects Request to Make Prince Harry’s Visa Details Public Amid His Drug Use Admission – News18

Last Updated: July 10, 2023, 22:15 IST

Prince Harry leaves the High Court after giving evidence in London, Wednesday, June 7, 2023. (AP File Photo)

In his memoir Spare, Prince Harry wrote of using cocaine, marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms. His book was released in January.

Amid reports of drug use, the US government has refused to share information about Prince Harry’s American visa application.

The US government was responding to a conservative think tank which appealed to make the visa application of the Duke of Sussex public.

The US Department of Homeland Security rejected this request for the second time, according to Daily Mail.

What has the lawsuit said?

The lawsuit was filed by a Washington DC-based think tank called Heritage Foundation.

The foundation says that Prince Harry’s admitted drug use in the media makes it question if the US government followed procedures while he was admitted in the country, according to BBC.

Prince Harry admits to drug use

In his memoir Spare, Prince Harry wrote of using cocaine, marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms. His book was released in January.

In his memoir Spare, Prince Harry wrote of using cocain, marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms as a teenager and as well as in his adult years. His book was released in January.

US visa rules and drugs

The lawsuit can be understood in the context of US visa application rules.

Technically, evidence of drug use can be grounds for us immigrant as well as non-immigrant application rejection.

Harry and his wife Meghan Markel, who is an American citizen, moved to the states in January 2020 after they gave up their royal duties.