US President Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Drops to Just 33%, Lowest Since He Took Office: Poll – News18

Last Updated: December 16, 2023, 14:15 IST

Washington D.C., United States of America (USA)

Biden’s job rating among Democrats has fallen 12 points since October 2022 and is “relatively low among most major demographic groups.”
(Reuters File Photo)

Biden’s approval rating hits a new low at 33%, reveals a Pew Research Center poll. Find insights on demographic shifts and key issues affecting public sentiment

US President Joe Biden’s job approval rating has reached a record low of 33%, according to a poll by Washington-based think tank Pew Research Center. This figure is the lowest recorded since he assumed office.

“A third of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of his job as president, while 64% disapprove. The share who approve of Biden’s performance is down 5 percentage points since January 2023,” the think tank said.

Biden’s rating is particularly down among Democrats and Democratic leaners over this year. While 61% of Democrats approve of his job performance, that reflects a 9-point drop since January. Among registered Republicans and Republican-leaning individuals, approval remains at 7%.

‘Lack of confidence in Biden’

The decline is particularly notable, with a 12-point decrease in approval among Democrats since October last year, The New York Post reported. Black Americans express 52% approval of Biden’s Oval Office performance, while Hispanics and Asians are less approving, with 33% and 37%, respectively.

The lack of confidence in Biden’s ability to handle various issues, including economic and immigration policy, is evident in the Pew survey. Confidence, especially in uniting the country, is notably low at 24%. Confidence in economic policy decisions stands at 36%, while immigration issues garner 32%. The poll surveyed 5,203 adults from November 27 to December 3.

Pew Research Center’s findings coincide with warnings by a recent Wall Street Journal poll. According to that survey, only 37% of voters approve of Biden’s Oval Office performance, with 61% holding an unfavorable view. Notably, the same poll positions former President Donald Trump ahead of Biden by four points in a head-to-head matchup and by six points when independent candidates are considered.