US Midterm Elections LIVE Updates: Republicans Eye ‘Red Wave’; Biden Says Democracy at Stake as Countdown for Polling Begins

the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade will save them.

Tens of millions of Americans have already cast early ballots, but bringing out the vote on Tuesday will likely prove decisive.

US midterm elections are typically seen as a referendum on the president in power, whose party tends to lose seats in Congress, particularly if — as with Biden — the president’s approval rating is under 50 percent.

Worryingly for Democrats, a new NBC News poll found that fully 72 percent of voters believed the country is headed in the wrong direction, to 21 percent who saw it as being on the right track.

President Joe Biden pulled out the stops to mobilize US voters in defense of democracy, hoping to counter a Republican “red wave” in this week’s midterms that could help set Donald Trump on a course back to the White House. “If you all show up and vote, democracy sustained, not a joke,” the 79-year-old told a rally in upstate New York — historically Democratic territory — with two days to go until Tuesday’s vote.

With the former president doubling down on voting conspiracy theories, and several candidates in his camp casting doubt on the upcoming midterm results, party chair Ronna McDaniel sought to assure voters that Republicans will accept the outcome — even if they lose.

Biden has repeatedly called out Trumpists’ growing embrace of election conspiracy theories as a cause for deep concern, warning at a rally in Philadelphia that “democracy is literally on the ballot” and calling it “a defining moment for the nation.”

But there is little indication that Biden’s dire warnings have turned the tables in his favor, with polls suggesting Democrats have struggled to convince voters on kitchen-table issues central to the election.

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